systems for woven and knitted fabrics
Stenter Montex 6500, Montex 8000; Relaxation dryer/Belt dryer; Infrared predrier VTG, VTE; Loop dryer, Continuous dyeing ranges; Padders; Application devices; Compressive shrinking ranges; Compactors; Felt calender; Denim finishing ranges
Coating ranges, flocking ranges, thermobonding machines, finishing ranges, special ranges
Devices for heat recovery and exhaust air cleaning
Integrated heat recovery systems, integrated heat recovery with automatic cleaning, stand alone module for retrofitting of existing machines Energy Tower 7000
Modifications, Upgrades, Modernizations; Spare parts, lubricants; Maintenance
Training for Operators, mechanical engineers, elektrical engineers and electrical technicians
Teleservice / Online assistance; Trouble shooting / Repairs; Technological support
Innovative Solutions
Textile Machines Agency
About Us
As Neotek Tekstil Makinaları Tic. Ltd. Şti. we have launched on January 4th, 2016. We are located in Istanbul.
Since February 1st, 2016 we have assumed representation of the industry’s leading firm MONFORTS across Turkey and Turkmenistan and also we have assumed representation of BEJIMAC across Turkey. Monforts is well known for its innovative products used in classical treatment of woven and technical textiles.
Our company specialises in the preparation of machine specifications and capacity calculations in investment and pre-sales stages.
Additionally, we provide assembly and installation, start-up, maintenance and spare parts acquisition in after-sales stages. We are more than happy to assist you in all stages.